Walking Classroom on Machine/Grade Control

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: Education Office - W235

Event Information

Title: Walking Classroom on Machine/Grade Control


Session Code: TT1

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in education sessions in the ''Tech Trek'' track requires a separate purchase and is not included in All Access Passes.

Looking to learn how/where to start with machine/grade control technology or how to become more efficient with what they currently have? This walking classroom will offer both, tips and best practices, for technology that new users and experienced users can both relate to. As we walk around we will be able to point out the different systems on the market (2D & 3D) and based off of our experience, inform the group how to best utilize the different types of systems. As we progress through the floor we will encourage a ''Q & A'' type of environment to help better answer specific questions as well as giving ''Tech Trek'' a more individual experience feel. The walk through will remain ''brand neutral'' just descriptions and best practices for the functionality of each system we discuss.

This session occurs twice at different times based on high demand and popularity.



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