Crane 101

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 203-205

Event Information

Title: Crane 101


Session Code: CR1

In today's competitive construction space, no one wants to expend unnecessary time and money on inefficient site set up. Understanding crane basics like crane working principles, rigging basics, ground pressure stability and crane selection, will give relevant site personnel the competitive advantage and mitigate uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of how to best make cranes work for you and your operation. The target audience for this session is those that have cranes on their jobsites but are not crane operators or experts.

  1. Understand the importance of site prep before a crane arrives on a jobsite
  2. Learn what your jobsite team needs to understand when a crane is onsite.
  3. Gain an understanding of selecting the right crane for your project.



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