Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent at Every Level

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 213-215

Event Information

Title: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent at Every Level


Session Code: AT18

The market for recruiting and retaining top talent has never been more challenging and it is likely it will not get better soon. Businesses that win at recruiting and retaining great talent, build highly integrated workforces and take a strategic approach to developing their workforce will have a distinct advantage. Avoiding bottlenecks in their ability to grow, expenses from high turnover and the grind of constant workforce churn and moral issues are just a few benefits of building talent recruitment strategies and processes. Applying some proven frameworks taken from the marketing side and useful concepts from operations, we can build organizations that consistently recruit and retain top talent at every level.
Learning Objectives:

  • Apply proven marketing messaging to consistently attract top talent
  • Implement systems to make better hiring decisions from the start to avoid costly mistakes
  • Build onboarding processes that accelerate integration and increase retention



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