Leadership- Perspective from the Front Line

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 213-215

Event Information

Title: Leadership- Perspective from the Front Line


Session Code: AT5

In this session we will discuss frontline leadership and why it matters.

We will hear from respected leaders in their own words on what drives them and why they do what they do.

We will take a deeper dive on topics like- engagement, encouragement, tolerance, vulnerability, passion.

We will discuss common traits and their significance to being a high-performance leader.

We will share insights from followers on why this type of leader stands out and why they choose to follow.

Learning objectives include:

The concept of leadership ''presence'' and why its critically important.
How earning respect is a daily activity and crucial to leadership success on high performance teams.
Why applying relevant effort and taking action matters
Good to great leadership with tools you can use today.



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