Electro-Hydraulic Lunchbox Session

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, March 15 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: S230

Event Information

Title: Electro-Hydraulic Lunchbox Session


Session Code: W4
Moderator: Caleb Lemper

Experiment wildly with hydraulic components and systems. Join Carl (Industrial Mechanic & Chief Educational Officer at CD Industrial Group Inc.) for a unique fluid power educational experience and see the latest in teaching and learning technology. Carl will demonstrate the utility, effectiveness, and fun of online learning for the challenging topic of electro-hydraulics using LunchBox Sessions. Every attendee will get free limited-time access. Carl is the founder of CD Industrial Group Inc., and has made his mark as a sought-after on-site instructor, and hydraulics video presenter on YouTube.

Type: IFPE


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