Recycling Shingles and Using RAS in Asphalt Mixtures

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 226

Event Information

Title: Recycling Shingles and Using RAS in Asphalt Mixtures


Session Code: AS5

The use of recycled asphalt shingles (RAS) in asphalt mixtures presents economic and environmental benefits, but it can also present challenges. In this session you will learn from asphalt producers and shingle recyclers that have successfully adapted operations to effectively recycle shingles and use RAS to produce quality asphalt mixes. Attendees will learn steps to successfully process shingles and utilize RAS in asphalt mixture production.
Learning Objectives:

  • Learn about proper processing and recycling of shingles
  • Understand challenges presented by RAS utilization and practices to mitigate them
  • Learn about plant operations required to produce quality RAS mixtures



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