Fluid Power Forum Presents: Workforce and the Importance of Early Recruitment

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 2:15 PM - 3:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: S229

Event Information

Title: Fluid Power Forum Presents: Workforce and the Importance of Early Recruitment


Session Code: T7
Moderator: Eric Lanke
Keeping the pool of fluid power professionals full is no easy task. The workforce shortage is one of the most challenging issues the industry is facing. This session will cover how critical partnerships with tech schools and engineering colleges are to educate and promote careers in the industry through hands-on laboratory experience and internship programs with major fluid power companies.

Brought to you by Fluid Power Forum, a podcast that features interesting and innovative applications of fluid power (hydraulics and pneumatics). Subscribe at https://fluidpowerforward.libsyn.com/.

Type: IFPE


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