Welcome Onboard! Now What?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 228-233

Event Information

Title: Welcome Onboard! Now What?


Session Code: AT22

This session focuses on employee onboarding, and the speaker has a unique perspective as a result of the developing profound relationships with companies and professionals. The session details the time and financial cost it takes to find key talent and successful strategies to integrate new hires into your company, which is critical to retention. This session shares examples of effective onboarding techniques and insights to ensure your onboarding process creates a lasting impression..

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the 5 real phases of onboarding.
  2. Learn the 6 reasons employees leave in first 3 months.
  3. Learn 3 effective onboarding techniques to make a lasting impression and keep top talent.



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