Fluid Power Forum Presents: Why 1 mA Matters: Advanced Electro-Hydraulic Control of Mobile Machines

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, March 15 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Location: S230

Event Information

Title: Fluid Power Forum Presents: Why 1 mA Matters: Advanced Electro-Hydraulic Control of Mobile Machines


Session Code: W6
Moderator: Eric Lanke
Do you know the effect a single mA of error has on a final grade? Traditionally, construction and agricultural machines have been designed and tuned for an expert operator. There is a closed loop relationship between operator and machine that is changing with the adoption of electro-hydraulic controls, modern sensors, and computational power. Today's job site requires a machine suited for operator augmentation and automation. This presentation walks through the challenges in enabling the controls transformation through a real-world system example and proposes how future hydraulic control architectures may look.

Brought to you by the Fluid Power Podcast.

Type: IFPE


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