Safe Digging Practices Around Infrastructure

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 201-202

Event Information

Title: Safe Digging Practices Around Infrastructure


Session Code: SH1

According to the Common Ground Alliance 2020 Dirt Annual Report, preventable utility damage caused an estimated $30 billion in societal costs in 2020. While some utility strikes may have minor consequences like power or cut fiber, some of these avoidable accidents could be fatal. The leading root causes of utility strikes are: failure to notify the one-call center, excavator digging prior to verifying marks by test-hole (pothole) combined with failing to maintain clearance, and abandoned facilities and locator error. As an industry, safety should be the top priority for contractors and crews when working near buried infrastructure. In this best-practices educational section, we will look at ways you can help train your crew when working near underground infrastructure, talk about utility locating solutions to help verify called-in locates, and explore soft-digging methods, including vacuum excavation and core saws for use on hard surfaces.



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