
Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Event Location

Location: S229

Event Information

Title: Cybersecurity


Session Code: R5
Smart devices have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, and equipment, vehicle and manufacturing environments aren't exempt from the onslaught. Customers that used be worried only about price and capabilities are now questioning manufacturers on the quality of the cybersecurity in their devices, since a single hacker can take control of a vehicle and run rampant, resulting in significant vulnerability for the manufacturer. The industry has started to address these issues with standards such as IEC 62443, but many manufacturers are just starting to wonder how they can implement a cybersecurity program. This session will review the relevant cybersecurity standards in this space, the elements you need to consider when implementing a product cybersecurity program and suggest an approach to help you get started.

Type: IFPE


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