Fluid Power Forum Presents: Contamination Standards Prevent Machine Failure and Boost Cost Savings

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

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Location: S230

Event Information

Title: Fluid Power Forum Presents: Contamination Standards Prevent Machine Failure and Boost Cost Savings


Session Code: R2
Moderator: Eric Lanke
Machine failures are costly. Contamination is the root cause of 80% of hydraulic failures. 90% of these failures are preventable. Standards, such as those created by ISO or national standards bodies, establish a level playing field to allow manufacturers, suppliers, and users to speak a common language and use best practices to develop and implement contamination control programs. Standards developed by ISO TC131/SC6 and other technical committees allow you to measure particulate contamination in fluids, set required cleanliness levels, choose appropriate filters for your application, compare products and identify false claims, and monitor the success of contamination control efforts. The speakers use real world examples to demonstrate the financial benefits of standard based contamination control programs.

Brought to you by Fluid Power Forum, a podcast that features interesting and innovative applications of fluid power (hydraulics and pneumatics). Subscribe at https://fluidpowerforward.libsyn.com/.

Type: IFPE


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