Construction Methods and Design Elements for Porous Pavements

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, March 15 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 226

Event Information

Title: Construction Methods and Design Elements for Porous Pavements


Session Code: AS6

Porous asphalt pavements are being used by many owners to construct asphalt pavements that become part of the stormwater solution, reducing runoff, improving infiltration, and saving land. The performance of these pavements depends on proper design, materials, construction methods, and quality control. In this session you will get an understanding of porous pavement design and understand the details of proper construction practices, material selection, and how to market porous pavements.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand the basics of porous pavement design and applicability.
• Learn the best practices for construction and preparation techniques, rules of thumb, quality assurance, and maintenance.
• Understand how to protect your product and investment.



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