Innovations in Concrete Paving

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 206

Event Information

Title: Innovations in Concrete Paving


Session Code: CO8

Early forms of concrete were used by the ancient Egyptians and a few millennia later by the Romans. Modern concrete has been in existence since 1824 and the first concrete street in American was built in Bellefontaine, Ohio in 1891. While the basic components of concrete (rock, sand, water, and cement) have not changed, there have been many material, design, and construction innovations that allow us to optimize its use. This session will focus on concrete pavement innovations that positively impact the cost, environment, opening time, and ease of construction and also touch on the future of concrete paving.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Implement new methods for efficiently paving with concrete.
  2. Optimize paving designs for minimized construction time and rapid opening.
  3. Improve the sustainability of concrete paving projects.



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