How to Build Momentum in Your Career

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, March 15 2:30 PM - 3:15 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 219-221

Event Information

Title: How to Build Momentum in Your Career


Session Code: AT14

Throughout our 40+ years in the executive recruiting business, we have worked with thousands of construction professionals who have had remarkable success building momentum in their careers and those who have struggled with it. Through these conversations, Kimmel & Associates has developed a unique perspective on the best ways to build career momentum. We believe building momentum is that quick and highly focused burst of energy toward a goal. We will define momentum as it relates to careers, share the true definition of success, explain the importance of building career momentum, and present eight strong principles to help achieve unstoppable career growth.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the definition of momentum as it relates to careers.
  2. Learn the importance of building career momentum.
  3. Learn how to build and maintain career momentum.
  4. Learn eight strong principles to help achieve unstoppable career growth.



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