Inconsistent Concrete Testing, Everyone's Nightmare

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 9:30 AM - 10:15 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 206

Event Information

Title: Inconsistent Concrete Testing, Everyone's Nightmare


Session Code: CO1

As nearly every construction project around the world includes concrete, it is critical to ensure standardized tests on the concrete be done consistently in accordance with the specified standards. This is especially important when it comes to the acceptance testing for concrete strength. While this seems very straightforward, one of the primary issues across the United States is improper field testing. There are very clear Codes and ASTM standards in place, yet according to data compiled throughout Colorado, the standards are not followed correctly about half of the time. Therefore, the data used to accept the on-site concrete, and to proportion mixtures is inaccurate. This leads to expensive delays and mixture overdesign, both driving up costs unnecessarily. To address this, the Colorado Ready Mixed Concrete Association developed the Concrete Testing Adherence Collaboration (CTAC) program. This consists of an application (app) that can be used to collect and analyze observations of field-testing technicians during concrete placements. Through a development grant from the Ready Mixed Concrete Research & Education Foundation and assistance from the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association, the program is now accessible throughout North America.
A part of this session will discuss the ACI and ASTM standards requirements that govern acceptance testing for strength. The other part will provide a demo of the CTAC app, the reports that can be generated, and how the program can be used to improve the quality of acceptance testing.



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