Fluid Analysis Insights in a Connected World

Event Time

Originally Aired - Thursday, March 16 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 207

Event Information

Title: Fluid Analysis Insights in a Connected World


Session Code: EM11

It is a connected world, and connectivity is now more essential to reliability than ever before. Juggling between several systems and data sources to evaluate equipment health and schedule maintenance is not only cumbersome but crucial decision-making opportunities can often be completely overlooked.

Connecting laboratory fluid analysis data with your maintenance management software can set you on the path of improvement in your reliability journey. Imagine the value of reviewing laboratory recommendations alongside on-board sensor data, operator inspection reports, and work order history with other test results such as vibration and/or thermography. From validating faults to revealing the root cause of problems, using the 'warning flags' from all sources collectively can align your maintenance priorities on a whole new and improved level. Reviewing data from a single point simplifies the process and help to quickly and efficiently target concerning issues that prompt maintenance action. The ability to integrate insights from your fluid analysis data with other data points in your CMMS is attainable now!

In this exciting, fast-paced session we will look at how to move beyond individual reports and narrow the focus of maintenance activities that result in improved reliability and availability of
your assets. Discover the benefits and savings with making maintenance integration a reality for your maintenance team today.



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