Josh Swank

Josh Swank

VP of Sales and Marketing at Philippi-Hagenbuch, Inc.

Josh Swank, vice president of sales and marketing for Philippi-Hagenbuch, oversees their global sales team and has been with the company for more than 21 years. His previous roles within the company include global sales and marketing manager and project manager. Outside of Philippi-Hagenbuch, he participates in multiple industry and philanthropic organizations, including the National Mining Association Board of Governors, the National Stone Sand & Gravel Manufacturers & Services Executive Committee, and the NSSGA Young Leaders. He is a trustee of the JWAS Foundation, is the Chairman of the Peoria Riverfront Museum's Collections Committee and active within the Peoria, Illinois, technology startup community.

Improve Efficiency with Haul Truck Customization
Thursday, March 16 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM