Growing A Great Workforce Culture

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, March 14 10:45 AM - 11:45 AM

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Event Location

Location: West Hall 216-218

Event Information

Title: Growing A Great Workforce Culture


Session Code: AT25

This session is built around a few key concepts: Organizational Health trumps everything. Change is happening faster than ever before. Great Communications can be achieved to help align management, grow a great culture, and unite efforts. The presenters all have been involved in these efforts in a variety of workplace scenarios and will share their perspectives about where to start, who should be involved, and how to set achievable goals. The program will be tailored to those with responsibilities and influence involved in workforce development, leadership, marketing, and communications. Topics will include:
Assessing Culture and Creating a Shared Vision
Best Managing Generational Shifts in the Culture
Supportive (and Practical!) Program Development
Sustainable Corporate Communications. Where to Start



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